05 June

5th International Tangaza Annual Summer School on Islam and Christianity in Dialogue in Africa (TASSICDA)

This unique intensive short-term programme is filled with different activities including lectures by Muslim and Christian Scholars, visits of different places of worships and a lot of time for mutual encounters. Interactive sessions will include topics such as foundations of Islam and Christianity, Practical Dialogue Exercises as well as Gender and Interreligious Dialogue.

03 May

Tangaza University Charter Award Celebration: Celebrating a New Dawn for Greater Service to Church and Society

Award of University Charter is the best thing that can happen to an institution like ours that aspires to be a world-class University distinguished for academic excellence, service orientation and a commitment to social transformation according to the Gospel values. The Theme for the Charter Celebrations could therefore not have been more apt and relevant: Tangaza University: Celebrating a New Dawn for Greater Service to Church and Society.