02 December

Call for Papers – Theme: Nostra Aetate at 60: Interfaith Dialogue and Synodality in Mission

SUB-THEMES:• Interfaith Dialogue in the Context of Globalization• Environmental Stewardship and Interfaith Cooperation • Contextualizing Nostra Aetate in Different Cultural Settings • Pastoral Strategies for Promoting Synodality and Dialogue • Training Leaders for Interfaith Engagement • The Role of Youth …

02 December

Call For The Selection Of Administrative Staff And Faculty For A Week Exchange In The Universitat Politecnica De Valencia (Spain)

Tangaza University and the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain) agreed to cooperate on the exchange of students and staff in the context of the Erasmus+KA107 program Program DetailsWho can apply: Administrative staff and faculty of Tangaza University Destination: Universitat Politecnica …

20 November

New Funding Model (NFM)

The higher education sector has been facing significant financial challenges due to the increasing number of students qualifying for and enrolling in various higher education programs. This growth has led to a substantial rise in budget requirements, which are not being met by current budgetary allocations, causing financial strain on higher learning institutions. In response, the Ministry of Education (MoE) has developed a new, sustainable funding mechanism to address these issues and ensure the continued provision of quality higher education.

18 November

Tangaza University Inaugural Postgraduate Graduands Symposium

On 12th November 2024, Tangaza University hosted its inaugural Postgraduate Graduands Symposium, celebrating research excellence and academic collaboration. The event allowed PhD and Master’s graduands to present their research and engage with peers, faculty, and the academic community. PhD graduands shared overviews of their projects, highlighting their innovative contributions, while Master’s graduands participated in thematic breakout discussions.